Should I stay or should I go now?
Ms. Joy had a dilemma as described in last week’s blog. She spent a lot of time refreshing her core values and beliefs about her mission and the vision she had of her life. She decided to go for one of the following alternatives. Which?
Alternative 1:
After considering leaving directly she got scared to run out of money and get bad references. She decided to stay and try new ways to present her ideas, prepare herself better next time and be more patient. After another 6 months and several new presentations that resulted in NO, NO and another NO, she had lost her interest in presenting new ideas, started to worry about all sorts of things, lost her energy and positive attitude. She did not get any more job offers so when the company went bankrupt a year later she had to take the job she could get. A job that paid a lot less than the job she left 18 months earlier.
Alternative 2:
Ms. Joy did a lot of thinking and decided that her ability to be a visionary and an innovator were too valuable talents to get thrown away. She also decided that if she would live according to her most important beliefs she could not stay at the company. She made another presentation with the goal to make the management change their mind and make the suggested changes. She failed and informed her boss that she would start looking for a new job. She got an offer to have her old job back but decided to take on another new challenge. The salary was a bit lower initially but Ms. Joy decided that she would never be scared to change jobs again so if the salary would not increase she would be out there looking for new opportunities. She was happy, energetic and even stronger in her belief that she is a visionary.
You probably guessed that Ms Joy decided to leave based on her core values and beliefs but I guess that you can see that if you don’t enjoy too much change and insecurity you often choose alternative 1 when you find yourself in a similar situation. Too great need of security might lead to the opposite and often does!
Another week with plenty of visits outside your comfort zone? Good luck and as usual - I am always here to support you!