How brave are you? Do you dare to do something far outside the box among a lot of people you don’t know if it is for a good cause?
Today we went to honor Olof Palme, the former Swedish Prime Minister. Today it was 30 years since he was shot dead in Stockholm City walking home from a movie, besides his wife. We still remember the shock and it’s so sad we never found the murderer.
When we came there we found to our surprise a painting standing on the street behind all the flowers. It was a beautiful painting from a photo of Olof Palme and Anna Lind. It took me a few seconds before I realized that my good friend Nikos #LaonicosIcons put his painting there. Suddenly all people paying their respects had the picture to refresh their memory. They could also tell their children “you can see him in the painting" and perhaps they also told their children about Anna Lind and her tragic death?
Such a brave and nice initiative! We spent hours walking around Stockholm, visiting a museum, having lunch and the painting was still there to refresh people’s memory when we came back in the afternoon. Nikos talked to people and I can assure you that none of Nikos’ paintings has gotten this much attention ever and he did it to honor another person. I hope that Nikos somehow will benefit from the attention but I think that the fact that he gave some people a more positive moment today might be exactly what he wanted to achieve. That he got his painting on the news he can see as an extra bonus.
I know we all could do with a few more, a little crazy, initiatives like that. What is there actually to lose? Not much compared to how much there is to gain. You can open eyes, get reactions or give others something good to remember.