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Macedonia is outstandingly beautiful! On this journey me and my daughter Lynn went hiking in breathtaking sceneries, visited cozy villages, and swam in crystal clear lakes. As always, we traveled with our 8-kilo backpacks. In the book you will find tips on how to pack light to still be active, flexible, safe, and well-dressed in fine dining, but also how to become better at resolving conflicts through tough challenges.

We started in friendly Skopje with its statues and the beautiful mountain Vodno. In Prilep, to where we took a train through a magically beautiful landscape, we were the only tourists and raised great curiosity. Our first real mountain hiking took us to heights with amazing views in Pelister National Park. And not a bear in sight! Though I'll admit, we were a bit worried.

After walking and swimming around Lake Prespa, we visited Ohrid, the tourist magnet with the mighty fortress, the beautiful amphitheater, and a very active nightlife. It was much quieter in National Park Galicica where we did the amazing hike that so many talk about - Magaro! We also enjoyed bathing in the crystal clear waters, hiking to waterfalls in the company of six dogs, and hitchhiked, involuntarily, to Mavrovo.

To get energy for the steep hike to the 1980 meter top, we enjoyed the spa, pool, massage, and breakfast buffet. Once again we were alone on the mountain and well worth a superb grilled fish for dinner. Of course, we went kayaking in Matka Canyon among thousands of butterflies before we made a detour to Kosovo.

The best experiences are found outside your comfort zone when you venture out into the spaces. And for each time you go outside your comfort zone, you become somewhat braver!