What can Ylva Johansson and Why Be Jammed do for you?
She will manage your tough projects and changes by daring to remove details, focusing on what's essential and visualizing the solutions. She will make difficult things look easier to help your competent employees find more improvement possibilities. She will communicate with pictures and summaries so managers and employees get a good overview of issues and solutions. And she will listen to their views and ideas to achieve optimal solutions.
Why should you choose Ylva as a business developer, project manager, interim manager, workshop leader or coach? She has solid competence and long experience from managing complicated investigations and projects, achieving very good results and always delivering on time. She always manages to motivate and engage the employees. It might be that the combination with a background as a nurse combined with Stockholm School of Economics provide the perspectives that are needed, but you can read more about how she thinks and works in her book "Leadership & Wisdom – How to Motivate Yourself and Others".
Ylva and I met when she was project manager in a complex Solvency 2 project. Ylva is pedagogical, intelligent, driven and very easy to work with. She raised difficult questions and, with her true interest in people, she managed to explain, break down difficult issues and make the group work towards a common goal. Ylva sees the people she works with and makes everyone involved.
I have also used Ylva as a job coach to develop myself as a leader. From that work, I have tools that make my everyday life as manager clearer and better.
Eva Sundin, Head of Finance, Pandox (publ)
Ylva has managed many projects and subprojects of different kinds, in which I have often been a sponsor. Ylva has a great drive and ability to quickly understand problems and purposefully work to achieve results. Ylva is good at involving employees and is a skilled facilitator capable of finding solutions to complex issues.
Karin Friberg, Chief Risk Officer, IF P&C Insurance Company Ltd
My Books
Är du riktigt klok? Ja, mer än du kanske tror.
Och det är just denna klokskap du ska använda för att få dig själv och andra att vilja göra mer och prestera bättre, och samtidigt tycka att det är roligt. Den här boken ger dig verktygen för att utveckla och använda det du innerst inne redan vet.
Våga resa lätt och flexibelt! Du kommer att hitta hemliga paradis som du annars aldrig hade kunna nå. I den här boken hittar du tips om hur du packar så flexibelt och användbart att du aldrig behöver tacka nej till ett äventyr eller en middag på en trevlig restaurang. Men samtidigt lätt nog att bära långa sträckor om det behövs.
Makedonien är enastående vackert! På den här resan gjorde jag och min dotter vandringar i hänförande bergsnatur, besökte mysiga byar, badade i kristallklara sjöar och reste som alltid med våra 8-kilos ryggsäckar. I boken finns tips om hur du packar lätt för att vara aktiv, flexibel, säker och även välklädd på fin restaurang samt om hur du blir bättre på att lösa konflikter genom tuffa utmaningar.
Vill du hitta hemliga paradis? Här får du läsa om vår spännande resa i Bosnien, Kroatien och Venedig. Du får tips om att packa lätt, flexibelt och användbart så att du alltid kan tacka ja till äventyr, kan njuta av vackra vyer och historiska platser, sola, bada och äta god mat istället för att hantera dina prylar. Du får också tips om hur du kan bli ännu bättre på att behålla en positiv attityd genom strapatser och utmaningar.
De bästa upplevelserna finns utanför din komfortzon. När du vågar dig ut i mellanrummen.
Hur packar du bäst för en resa till Borneo för att komma nära orangutanger, näsapor, krokodiler, näshornsfåglar, havssköldpaddor och clownfiskar? Och hur hamnar man i kristallklara turkosa paradis på en rimlig budget? Här hittar du det mesta du behöver veta för att göra en resa du knappt vågade drömma om!
Are you wise?
Yes... and probably wiser than you Think.
This book contains the precise wisdom you can use to motivate yourself and others to achieve more and better while enjoying it. With these tools, you can use and develop what you already intuitively know.
Dare to travel light and flexible! You will find secret paradises you could otherwise never reach. Here you will find practical tips on how to pack so flexible and useful that you never need to turn down a suggested adventure or a dinner at a nice restaurant.
Do you want to find a secret paradise? Here you can read about our exciting journey in Bosnia, Croatia, and Venice. You will also learn more about how to pack so light, flexible, and practical that you always can say yes to adventures, can enjoy the scenery and historical sites, swim, sunbathe, and eat nice dinners instead of handling your stuff. You will also learn to become even better at keeping a positive attitude through challenging situations.
The best experiences are found outside your comfort zone when you venture out into the spaces.
Macedonia is outstandingly beautiful! On this journey me and my daughter Lynn went hiking in breathtaking sceneries, visited cozy villages, and swam in crystal clear lakes. As always, we traveled with our 8-kilo backpacks. In the book you will find tips on how to pack light to still be active, flexible, safe, and well-dressed in fine dining, but also how to become better at resolving conflicts through tough challenges.